Tag: leadership

  • On Becoming Feedback-Rich: The Role of Leadership in Building Constructive Communication in Organizations

    On Becoming Feedback-Rich: The Role of Leadership in Building Constructive Communication in Organizations

    In today’s dynamic business landscape, feedback plays a crucial role in fostering organizational growth and development. It provides valuable insights into an organization’s strengths and weaknesses, allowing leaders to identify areas for improvement and capitalize on opportunities. It promotes employee engagement and development by offering guidance and support for individual growth. And it encourages open communication and collaboration, leading to enhanced team…

  • Who Has Creative and Innovative Ideas? The Answers May Surprise You
  • Planning a Summer Vacation Using Project Management Principles

    Planning a Summer Vacation Using Project Management Principles

    As summer begins to peek its warm and sunny head out in the coming days, many of us find ourselves in the mood for travel! Vacationing is fun year round, but our “big” trips are often planned for summer. You can’t go wrong with trips to the beach, a getaway weekend at the lake, or…

  • Owning It: Owning Failure is the Path to Success

    Owning It: Owning Failure is the Path to Success

    “Some failure in life is inevitable. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all — in which case, you fail by default.”  J.K. Rowling Ok, it’s time to be real with each other. Everyone makes mistakes. That’s right. Everyone…even…

  • Relieve Madness This March

    Relieve Madness This March

    March Madness is here! But we aren’t talking about basketball this time. Whether it is budgets being adjusted, end of first quarter deadlines sneaking up (with perhaps the trajectory of not being met), team dynamic clashing, or lack of leadership throughout the project, project madness happens. Just about everyone has experienced some sort of imbalance…

  • Valentines Day as a Project

    Valentines Day as a Project

    I’m a firm believer that holidays offer excellent opportunities for anyone to show off their amazing skills in project management. We’re talking shock and awe, my friends! Take for instance that fast-approaching day in mid-February. Just in case you didn’t take the hint the day after Christmas when some of your favorite local businesses stocked…

  • Willy Wonka Saw the Future

    Willy Wonka Saw the Future

    I didn’t find a golden ticket, but I did find a few golden nuggets while watching the original Willy Wonka movie. That’s something I can only do as an adult, because I must have watched it a least a hundred times as a child and I don’t remember ever reflecting on creativity in the workplace…

  • Project Management Traits of Athletes

    Project Management Traits of Athletes

    “Think of yourself as an athlete. I guarantee you it will change the way you walk, the way you work, and the decisions you make about leadership, teamwork, and success.” Professional basketball player turned author, Mariah Burton Nelson said it best. Leadership is the first thing to come to mind when thinking of characteristics that…