Tag: communication

  • Using the PERT Formula in Project Management to Accurately Measure the Length of Tasks

     Accurately Measuring the Length of Tasks in Project Management Using the PERT Formula Project management often involves a series of tasks, each with its own set of uncertainties. Estimating the duration of these tasks can be challenging, especially when there are many unknown factors. One of the most reliable techniques to address this challenge is…

  • The Project Management of Parenting: A Mother’s Day Reflection

    The Project Management of Parenting: A Mother’s Day Reflection

    As we celebrate Mother’s Day this year, it’s worth reflecting on the ways that parenthood is an exercise in project management.   Some of you may wonder, how does one incorporate project management principles into the daily grind of parenthood?   Well, let me start by saying it’s not always an easy task. Parenthood can…

  • How to Put Together a Quality Remote Team for Your Business

    How to Put Together a Quality Remote Team for Your Business

    Putting together a qualified team of professionals to build your business is a multi-faceted job; not only do you have to consider how well they’ll fit for the actual position, but it’s also important to think about how to keep them motivated, how to make sure they stay on task, and how to handle salaries…

  • Leadership Across Generations

    Leadership Across Generations

    No two employees will ever be exactly alike, and that is never more true when we look at teammates and employees spanning across generations. Did you ever stop and think – there are 4 different generations working alongside one another in today’s workforce. Each group has their own values and experiences that shape how they…

  • Owning It: Owning Failure is the Path to Success

    Owning It: Owning Failure is the Path to Success

    “Some failure in life is inevitable. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all — in which case, you fail by default.”  J.K. Rowling Ok, it’s time to be real with each other. Everyone makes mistakes. That’s right. Everyone…even…

  • Relieve Madness This March

    Relieve Madness This March

    March Madness is here! But we aren’t talking about basketball this time. Whether it is budgets being adjusted, end of first quarter deadlines sneaking up (with perhaps the trajectory of not being met), team dynamic clashing, or lack of leadership throughout the project, project madness happens. Just about everyone has experienced some sort of imbalance…

  • Valentines Day as a Project

    Valentines Day as a Project

    I’m a firm believer that holidays offer excellent opportunities for anyone to show off their amazing skills in project management. We’re talking shock and awe, my friends! Take for instance that fast-approaching day in mid-February. Just in case you didn’t take the hint the day after Christmas when some of your favorite local businesses stocked…