Tag: project manager

  • Using the PERT Formula in Project Management to Accurately Measure the Length of Tasks

     Accurately Measuring the Length of Tasks in Project Management Using the PERT Formula Project management often involves a series of tasks, each with its own set of uncertainties. Estimating the duration of these tasks can be challenging, especially when there are many unknown factors. One of the most reliable techniques to address this challenge is…

  • Get Your Best Salary As A Project Manager

    Get Your Best Salary As A Project Manager

    Show me the Money! Everything we do in life is a project, which makes the Project Manager profession a highly sought-after one. Since project management transcends industries, there are typically numerous open PM positions that people can pursue. The Project Management Institute® projects 22 million new project manager positions by the year 2027. The demand…

  • Valentines Day as a Project

    Valentines Day as a Project

    I’m a firm believer that holidays offer excellent opportunities for anyone to show off their amazing skills in project management. We’re talking shock and awe, my friends! Take for instance that fast-approaching day in mid-February. Just in case you didn’t take the hint the day after Christmas when some of your favorite local businesses stocked…

  • Differences between PMBOK® Guide 5 & PMBOK® Guide 6

    Differences between PMBOK® Guide 5 & PMBOK® Guide 6

    As Project Management methodologies and best practices evolve, The Project Management Institute (PMI) updates their processes outlined in the PMBOK® Guide. At a high level, the changes found in Guide 6 stem from additions in the number of processes, the streamlining of processes, and a greater emphasis in the importance of both product and project…