

Our leadership assessment offering is designed to provide all levels of employees, from high-potential talent to senior executives, the behavioral insights and feedback they need to strategically grow into their leadership potential.

The process entails a comprehensive exploration of a participant’s work-related values, everyday behavioral tendencies, and typical stress response patterns, to gain a deeper understanding of their leadership approach and their impact on others. Qualitative feedback reinforces these insights and provides additional contextual data for the participant to leverage in their growth plans. Armed with comprehensive information, leaders can then make informed, strategic choices to reach their leadership goals.

Our Assessment and Feedback offering includes the following components:

  • Comprehensive Behavioral Assessments
  • Qualitative 360° process with feedback (6-8 individuals)
  • Feedback Delivery Sessions (2) with Participant
  • Key Feedback Takeaways Meeting with Supervisor (and Organizational Sponsors, if desired)
  • Total Time = 2-3 months